
Utställningen Ris&Råg! tittar närmare två olika traditioner av halmhantverk, i Japan använder man halmen av ris och i Sverige den från råg. Halm är en biprodukt av det lokalt odlade spannmålet som har spelat en betydande roll i folkliv, från köksredskap och dekorationer, till skodon och hustak. Det handlar både om materialets egenskaper likväl människors relationer till det – hur man har tagit tillvara på skörderester och funnit både praktisk nytta och andlig mening.

I sammarbete med Steneby Konsthall, Halmens Hus, Straw
och processstöd från konst-och slöjdkonsulenterna på Västra Götalandsregionen

Stöd från Sasakawa foundation, Japanstiftelsen, Västsvenska kulturfonden

Tack till
Amayokasim, Chizuko Ozawa, Masumi Mikuriya, Mori Sumako Anke Nakajima, Aki Yoshimura, Koichi Shimoda, Taca Kimura, Midori Morita, Elin McCready, Klara Silvemark, Anna Cook, Moira Nilsson, Simon Westling, Sofia Hartman-Prim, Maria Ljungberg

Dals Långed 


A two-day workshop led together with artist and weaver Luisa Recker.
Centered around sensory exploration of a garden while incorporating the teaching of textile techniques, culminating in a celebratory 10-course dinner.

Concept developed during a residency at circa106.

Photos by 


A workshop with and about the Stingning Nettle. Processing fiber and plying cordage.

Part of the program Rehearsing Moves on Hazy Paths at ZKU, Berlin.



 with MOM+I

Partcipartory art project on same-sex marriage and LGBTQ+ rights in Japan, consiting of a video, installation and a zine.

Installation view at Chinretsukan Gallery, Tokyo 2021

All Need Water

 with MOM+I

Project on non-normative families at Koishikawa Botanical Festival at the Koishikawa Botanical Garden in Tokyo as part of collective MOM. The project centered around a workshop inviting participants to go into the garden and find a nonhuman family member: a plant they felt close to. Each participant carried a “family photo album” into the garden with them, wrote down some characteristics of their found family, and took a photo with the plant or drew it, resulting in a family album of their own. The album also contains texts written by the MOM members and others.

Koishikawa Botanical Garden, Tokyo
